Acceptable Use Policy
Acceptable Use Policy
The purpose of this Policy is to insure the efficient, safe, ethical, and legal use of the Ontario eSchool Technology. This Policy applies to all student users of Ontario eSchool Technology, as well as users who obtain their access privileges through association with Ontario eSchool.
Student and Parent Acknowledgement
Every student and his/her parent must electronically acknowledge the existence of this policy as a condition to receive access to Ontario eSchool Technology. The Acknowledgement will remain in effect until such time as the student no longer is enrolled in Ontario eSchool courses or a policy revision requires that a new acknowledgement form needs to be signed.
Educational Purposes
The purpose of Ontario eSchool Technology is to serve as a resource for teaching and learning at Ontario eSchool. Ontario eSchool Technology may be used only for purposes consistent with the educational objectives of Ontario eSchool. Ontario eSchool Technology may not be used for recreational, personal, or commercial purposes.
Only authorized users may access Ontario eSchool Technology. Ontario eSchool Technology shall not constitute a public forum. Ontario eSchool students will have the ability to contact other Ontario eSchool students and employees via Ontario eSchool Technology. All communications and information accessible via any Ontario eSchool Technology may be accessed by Ontario eSchool and treated as Ontario eSchool property. This includes, but is not limited to email, chat text, voicemail, and course related documents or other files. Users are responsible for ensuring that their activities adhere to generally accepted educational standards. Inappropriate use includes all those activities prohibited to the user based on their allowed degree of access and any activity that violates the school's policies or procedures
Student Responsibilities may include but are not limited to:
Students should immediately notify their instructor, or the Ontario eSchool office of any violations of this Policy.
- Accessing, storing or sending an inappropriate or indecent website, files, messages or images.
- Cyber-bullying or using obscene language, harassing, insulting, defaming, threatening or attacking others
- Transmission of unsolicited advertising, promotional materials, or other forms of solicitation, including placing hyperlinks to non-Ontario eSchool related web sites
- Mass mailings within Ontario eSchool without receiving permission from the Chief Information Officer
- Gaining access to or attempting to modify employees', instructors', students' or third parties' folders, work or files
- Gaining unauthorized access to restricted resources or organizations
- Spreading, creating or using invasive software, such as computer viruses, worms, malware, or other detrimental technology
- Misrepresenting oneself in any e-mail communication or while accessing Ontario eSchool Technology
- Allowing third-party access to Ontario eSchool Technology without prior authorization from the Chief Information Officer or Chief Executive Officer
- Encrypting communications or files to avoid security review
- Accessing, using, or distributing another user's login or password
- Sharing personal passwords or personal information, or mishandling passwords, access codes or other data in violation of any Ontario eSchool policy
- Inappropriate activities performed through a student's account will be considered to be the actions of the account holder.
- Involvement in any activity that is prohibited by this Policy, other Ontario eSchool policies, or by applicable law
Personal Security
In addition to following the acceptable use guidelines listed above, Ontario eSchool recommends the following rules when students are outside Ontario eSchool' online learning environment:
- Never arrange to get together with someone "met" online, unless you have parental permission.
- Do not respond to any illicit or suspicious activities, and immediately report them Ontario eSchool administration.
- Do not engage in any activity that may violate Ontario eSchool' Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention Policy JICL.
- Beware of emails from anyone, particularly adults you do not know, asking for personal information, attempting to arrange meetings, or engaging in personal contact.
- Alert your instructor or other Ontario eSchool employee of any message you receive that is inappropriate or makes you feel uncomfortable.
- Never say anything via email that you would not mind seeing in a local newspaper.
Ontario eSchool cannot guarantee the appropriateness or accuracy of the information that students may access on the Internet outside of Ontario eSchool Technology. For those students who access Ontario eSchool Technology from a home computer, parents should be aware of this and monitor their children's communications and use of the Internet.
Consequences for Violation of the Policy
Access to the Technology is a privilege, not a right. Users who abide by this Policy will be allowed to access Ontario eSchool Technology and any other technological resources made available to them. Users who do not abide with the policies set forth herein may be denied access to the Technology. Acceptable use practices, policies, and guidelines apply to anyone who accesses Ontario eSchool Technology.
Ontario eSchool Rights
Ontario eSchool Technology is maintained and managed by the Chief Information Officer in such a way as to insure its availability and reliability in performing its educational mission. Users have no reasonable expectation of privacy concerning any materials transferred over or stored with Ontario eSchool Technology, even if protected by password. The Ontario eSchool reserves the right to:
- Monitor all activity and use of Ontario eSchool Technology
- Make determinations on whether specific uses of Ontario eSchool Technology are consistent with this Policy
- Log Technology use by users
- Determine what is appropriate use
- Remove user access to Ontario eSchool Technology at any time it is determined that the user engaged in unauthorized activity or violated this Policy
- Any Ontario eSchool administrator may terminate the account privileges of a student for any reason.
- Cooperate fully with any investigation and law enforcement concerning or relating to Ontario eSchool Technology activity.
Definition and Scope of Ontario eSchool Technology
Ontario eSchool Technology consists of all online computer accounts and applications owned or leased by Ontario eSchool, and any configuration of computer hardware and software that connects the users to the Technology. The term includes all of the application software, stored text, and data, voice, and image files. The term also includes computer accounts, electronic mail, local databases, externally accessed databases, digitized information, communication technologies and new technologies as they become available. Any computer, peripheral device, tablet computer, cell phone, pager or other device, not owned by Ontario eSchool, but which has been permitted to access the Technology, or which accesses the Technology without permission shall be governed by this Policy.
Ontario eSchool' Limitation of Liability
Ontario eSchool makes no warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, that the functions or the services provided by or through Ontario eSchool Technology will be error-free or without defect. Ontario eSchool will not be responsible for any damage users may suffer, including but not limited to, loss of data or interruptions of service. Ontario eSchool is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of the information obtained through or stored on the system. Ontario eSchool will not be responsible for financial obligations or repair costs arising from the unauthorized use or intentional misconduct. Ontario eSchool assumes no responsibility for any phone charges, line costs or usage fees for connectivity to the Internet.